- Interested farmers may register their names with the Krishi Vigyan Kendra either personally or through Phone or letter for the training he /she wishes to attend.
- The Krishi Vigyan Kendra can also arrange off campus trainings on need based topics in farmer’s village. Sponsored trainings are also arranged on specialized topics at on and off campus.
- Interested farmers may participate in KVK extension activities such as Kisan melas, study tours, field days, farmer scientist interaction, etc.
- Farmers can interact with the scientists at the Krishi Vigyan Kendra & get consultancy on issues related to agriculture, fishery and allied fields to get information on advanced technological options.
- Farmers can have demonstrations & trials on their fields on latest scientific technologies.
- Farmers can request Krishi Vigyan Kendra scientists to pay diagnostic visits to their problematic fields for getting curative & diagnostic recommendations.
- Interested farmers may purchase the scientific literature (folders, newsletters and other publications) developed at KVK in Assamese/ English.
- KVK disseminates latest technological information on agriculture, fisheries and allied field using AIR and Doordarshan by organizing farm schools, phone in programme etc. for farming community.
- Farmers can solve their queries by sending SMS (KMAS) on specific problems to get timely reply.
- Farmer can avail weather forecast service from the centre.