Introduction to KVK Darrang
Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Darrang was established in the year 2007. It is a scheme sponsored by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) and run by Assam Agricultural University (AAU), Jorhat, Assam. Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) is a project of ICAR for testing and transfer of Agricultural technologies to bridge the gap between production and productivity and to increase self employment opportunities among the farming communities. The trainings offered here follow the principles of Learning by doing and “seeing is believing”. It offers skill and knowledge oriented trainings in multidisciplinary areas like crop production and plant protection, horticulture, Animal Sciences and Fisheries, Home Science and Agricultural extension. The KVK is the light house of knowledge to the farming community of the State.
The KVKs, thus are the down-to-earth institutions committed to vocational training, transfer of latest technologies, on farm research and thus, serving as the light house for overall rural development in the district. The activities of the KVK include technology assessment, refinement and transfer, aiming to bridge the gap between the technology developed at the research institutions and its adoption at the field level by the farmers through demonstration of technology/ products etc. and training of farmers, rural youths and extension personnel. On the basis of India-2002, there were 578 rural districts spread over the country and this figure has further been raised to 602 districts as per the latest data available on the internet report of NIC. In view of continuous increase in the number of districts, it is agreed to have one KVK in each district by the end of Xth plan. Realizing the importance of technology assessment, refinement and transfer, the Planning Commission has allocated Rs. 500 crores specifically for the establishment of new KVKs during Xth plan period. The DDG (AE) during the 11th EFC meeting of Xth plan, held in New Delhi on 30th Sept. 2003 out lined the importance of two issues in the context of the present scenario of agriculture in India- (i) the technologies have to be assessed and refined before their transfer and (ii) a programme approach involving various technology components relevant to the farmers in varying farming situations will be required for a perceptible change. The concept of technology assessment and refinement is based on participatory mode ensuring greater scientists-farmer linkage and access to agricultural technologies generated by research systems to the farming community. For this, the role of KVKs are of immense importance for overall agricultural and rural development through its various research and technology transfer mechanisms.
The Krishi Vigyan Kendra has several activities like conducting ON as well as OFF campus trainings in various disciplines, conducting frontline demonstration of proven technologies on farmers fields in cereals like rice, oilseeds like groundnut and horticultural crop like vegetables. It has a programme of on farm testing (OFT) of technologies on farmers fields and collecting feed back for refinement. KVK also established functional linkages with other related organizations. It actively participates in extension activities like Exhibitions, field days, seminars, Kisan Melas and also contributes in mass Media like All India Radio and Doordarshan programmes, publishing popular articles and Extn. Literature like folders, booklets, technical reports etc. It also conducts village surveys for assessing the technological gaps and training needs of farmers, rural youth and farm women and offers technical guidance to needy farmers.
The Research Programmes OF KVKs ARE: –
Transfer of technology in Crop science, Horticulture, Animal Science, Fishery Science Home Science and Plant Protection. Training and Other Extension activities. Front Line Demonstration (FLD) on cereals, pulses, oilseeds, horticultural crops and other enterprises related to Agriculture. On Farm Testing (OFT) on farmers fields, in crop production, horticulture, livestock production, fish & fishery Science etc.